Results for 'I︠U︡. I︠A︡ Dmitriev'

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  1.  27
    (1 other version)Prevention of World Nuclear War — the Global Problem of Our Time.Iu Ia Kirshin - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 18 (3):83-99.
    Since the appearance of private property and the state, the attention of thinkers of many generations has been focused without interruption on questions of war and peace. Most, however, have been unable to explain these sociohistorical phenomena. A truly scientific theory of war and peace has been established only by the founders of Marxism-Leninism.
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    World Politics: Essence, Chief Characteristics, and Tendencies.Iu Ia Kirshin - 1983 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 22 (1):26-44.
    Considerable attention has been given in recent years to the study of the methodological problems of domestic and foreign policy. Some definite results have been achieved. The essence and structure of politics, the content and specific features of its various branches and tendencies have been explored; the place of the social sciences in the study of politics has been determined; and the question of the necessity of elaborating a special theory of politics has been posed.
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    The Contemporary Problem of War and Peace.Iu Ia Kirshin - 1981 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 20 (3):3-24.
    The present epoch is one of transition from capitalism to socialism, within which two opposite social systems exist simultaneously. Inasmuch as one of the systems - that of capitalism - is a source of wars, and the system of socialism is the source of peace, questions pertaining to the place of military means in the struggle between the two systems, questions of the struggle between the forces of war and peace and for the cessation of wars between peoples, constitute one (...)
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  4. Chelovek v mire khudozhestvennoĭ kulʹtury: priobshchenie k iskusstvu, prot︠s︡ess i upravlenie.Boris Andreevich Grushin, A. Ia Zis & Iu U. Fokht-Babushkin (eds.) - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka,".
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    Seducția ca spațiu al cenzurii.Anton I. Adămuț - 2004 - Iași: Editura Junimea.
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    Socialinė politika ir gyvenimo eiga: gyvenimo eigos politikos analizės schemos pritaikymas Lietuvai.Jekaterina Navickė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (4 Special).
    Socialinė politika vaidina svarbų vaidmenį formuojant žmonių gyvenimus. Siekiame išsiaiškinti, kaip posovietinė pertvarka socialinės politikos srityje keičia šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje gyvenančių žmonių gyvenimo eigą. Siekiant šio tikslo, straipsnyje naudojama L. Leiseringo ir R. Walkerio (1998) pasiūlyta „gyvenimo eigos politikos“ analizės schema. Analizė rodo, kad Lietuva iš savo autoritarinės praeities paveldėjo stiprius gyvenimo eigos struktūravimo, integracijos ir normų formavimo mechanizmus. Vis dėlto šie mechanizmai silpsta arba yra adaptuojami prie šiuolaikinio socialinio, ekonominio ir politinio konteksto. Dėl to šiuolaikinę Lietuvą galima priskirti pofordistiniam gyvenimo (...)
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    Nuo socialinio darbo profesijos link socialinio darbo profesinės veiklos lauko analizės.Arūnas Poviliūnas & Ieva Adomaitytė-Subačienė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (S4).
    Socialinio darbo teoretikai sutinka, kad Pierre’o Bourdieu sociologijos įtaka sociali­ niam darbui plečiasi ir gilėja. Kita vertus, kai kalbama apie socialinio darbo profesiją, tie patys teoretikai ignoruoja P. Bourdieu nuostatą nuo profesijos tyrimų pereiti prie profesinio lauko analizės. P. Bourdieu profesijos fenomeną laikė biurokratinės pri­ gimties konceptualizacija, kuri įtvirtina mokslinio mąstymo logikai prieštaraujančias heteronomijos apraiškas. Straipsnyje siekiama įgyvendinti P. Bourdieu reikalavimą ir, pritaikius jį socialiniam darbui, nuo socialinio darbo profesijos analizės pereiti prie socialinio darbo profesinio lauko tyrimų. Straipsnyje ieškome atsakymo (...)
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    Suaugystė šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje. Tarp standartizacijos ir individualizacijos.Sigita Kraniauskienė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (4 Special).
    Tyrimų duomenys rodo, kad šiuolaikinė tranzicijos į suaugystę patirtis neatitinka so­cialinių normatyvinių tvarkaraščių, o suaugystės samprata prarado didelę savo vaid­menų struktūros ir tradicinės prasmės dalį, tapo daug labiau psichologiniu reiškiniu, siejamu su vėlyvosios modernios visuomenės individualizacija. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos suaugystės sampratų sąsajos su tranzicijos į suaugystę patirtimi Lietuvoje XXI a. Siekiama atsieti šias sąsajas formuojančius ar jų nebuvimą lemiančius veiksnius. Tam pasitelkta 1990­ųjų pradžioje gimusių dviejų skirtingų lyčių jaunuo­lių suaugystės atvejų analizė, paremta kokybine gyvenimo istorijų interviu medžiaga. Straipsnyje taip pat (...)
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    Jaunuolių delinkventinis elgesys Lietuvoje: ką atskleidžia naujas delinkvencijos ir viktimizacijos tyrimas?Aušra Pocienė, Jolanta Aleknevičienė & Vaidas Kalpokas - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (S4).
    Straipsnyje, remiantis tarptautinio jaunimo delinkvencijos ir viktimizacijos kiekybinio tyrimo ISRD, kuris Lietuvoje atliktas 2006 m., 2013 m. ir 2022 m., duomenimis, nagrinėjamas jaunuolių, gimusių po 1990-ųjų metų Lietuvoje, turtinio ir smurtinio pobūdžio delinkventinis elgesys. Keliant klausimą, kaip keitėsi šio pobūdžio delinkventinio elgesio dinamika, kiek ji atliepė registruotų nepilnamečių nusikalstamų veikų tendencijas bei kiek lytis išliko kaip delinkventinį elgesį diferencijuojantis veiksnys, straipsnyje lyginamos trijų amžiaus kohortų, jaunuolių, gimusių 1991–1993 m., 1998–2000 m. ir 2007–2009 m., apklausų duomenys. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė delinkventinio elgesio (...)
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    Eric Voegelin — A Critic of Karl Marx's “Gnostic Socialism”.Timofey A. Dmitriev - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (2):162-180.
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  11. Contemporary Russian social theory.Alexander Dmitriev - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty (ed.), The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 153.
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    "good Emperors" And Emperors Of The Third Century.Sviatoslav Dmitriev - 2004 - Hermes 132 (2):211-224.
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    Modeling of the influence of tourist flows on the economic security of the state.Nikolay Dmitrievich Dmitriev, Lyudmila Еduardovna Dubanevich & Andrey Aleksandrovich Zaytsev - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):56-64.
    The purpose of the study is to conduct a simulation of the impact of tourist flows and tourist infrastructure on the economic security of the state. In this paper, it is proposed to conduct a simulation of the impact of tourist flows and tourist infrastructure on the economic security of the state. The scientific novelty lies in the justification of the development of tourism from the point of view of a more complete use of the regional potential of the country. (...)
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    Russian pre-revolutionary Marxism on the the personality.Alexander Dmitriev - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3):105-112.
    The article treated various concerns of Russian Marxists relating to the concept of personality. In fact, it was not the individual per se and the kindred conceptual constructs that shaped discussions inside Russian Social-Democracy. The individual, on the contrary, was seen as an alien concept, as a central idea of the opponents: the Narodniks, anarchists, Cadets, and liberals in general. The post-1907 Marxist writings demonstrated a significant shift of accent in their approaches to the category of individuality. This was the (...)
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  15. Antikinės filosofijos istorijos bruožai.Kristina Rickevičiūtė - 1976 - Vilnius: Vilniaus valstybinis V. Kapsuko universitetas.
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    Max Weber: Milestones of an Intellectual Biography.T. A. Dmitriev - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (4):8-44.
    The article reviews current historical research on the life and work of Max Weber. The completion of the Max Weber Gesamtausgabe (Collected Works) by the Mohr Siebeck publishing house not only made it possible to put a new textual basis behind the systematization of Weber’s legacy — which is key for a general theoretical grounding and self-explanation of sociology — but also elevated historical and biographical studies devoted to Weber. This has been achieved by introducing many new sources and clarifying (...)
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    Intellectuals in Search of Salvation: Ideological Virtuosi of the XX Century — A Historical and Sociological Perspective.Timofey A. Dmitriev - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (2):19-43.
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    Fizikos terminų žodynas.P. Brazdžiūnas (ed.) - 1971 - Vilnius,:
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    After the Ball: Appraisals of Leo Tolstoy by the theorists at the State Academy for the Study of Arts and Mikhail Bakhtin in the year of “The Great Turn”.Alexander Dmitriev - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (2):323-336.
    This paper will focus on the discussion of Tolstoy’s ideas in the late 1920s, right after the 100th anniversary of the writer’s birth, by the State Academy for the Study of Arts (GAKhN) (in a collective volume entitled Leo Tolstoy’s Aesthetics, 1929) and by Mikhail Bakhtin (in his two articles written specially for Tolstoy’s Collected Works). These interpretations were notably influenced by the official commemoration of Tolstoy during the anniversary year and by changes in the prevailing Marxist discourse regarding the (...)
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  20. Borʹba frant︠s︡uzskikh materialistov vosemnadt︠s︡atogo veka.Aleksandr Andreevich Dmitriev - 1955
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    Dvori︠a︡nin-filosof: "Izvestii︠a︡", rukopisnye knigi, medali i "Sistemy" (1770-1780).Fedor Ivanovich Dmitriev-Mamonov - 2019 - Moskva: B.S.G.-Press. Edited by Fedor Ivanovich Dmitriev-Mamonov & M. I︠U︡ Osokin.
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  22. Dialektika soderzhanii︠a︡ i formy v informat︠s︡ionnykh prot︠s︡essakh.Evgenii Viktorovich Dmitriev - 1973 - Minsk: "Nauka i tekhnika,".
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    Ennio Bauer, Gerusien in den Poleis Kleinasiens in hellenistischer Zeit und der römischen Kaiserzeit. 2014.Sviatoslav Dmitriev - 2017 - Klio 99 (1):354-358.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 1 Seiten: 354-358.
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    Max Weber and Peter Struve on the Russian Revolution.Timofey Dmitriev - 2017 - Studies in East European Thought 69 (4):305-328.
    The author conducts a comparative analysis of the Russian Revolution developed by two prominent social-political thinkers of Germany and Russia in the early twentieth century—Max Weber and Peter Struve. The article focuses on their respective interpretations of the causes, course, and consequences of the Revolution as determined by their political ideals, i.e. a specific combination of nationalism and liberalism. The author pays special attention to Weber’s and Struve’s perception of the Russian Revolution, which, albeit for different reasons, was rejected by (...)
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    N. P. Gili︠a︡rov-Platonov i russkai︠a︡ literatura 1850--1880-kh godov.A. P. Dmitriev - 2018 - Sankt-Peterburg: "Rodnik". Edited by Boris Fedorovich Egorov.
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    Nikita Petrovich Gili︠a︡rov-Platonov: issledovanii︠a︡, materialy, bibliografii︠a︡, ret︠s︡enzii.A. P. Dmitriev (ed.) - 2013 - Sankt-Peterburg: Rostok.
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    The Status of Greek Cities in Roman Reception and Adaptation.Sviatoslav Dmitriev - 2017 - Hermes 145 (2):195-209.
    This paper illustrates specific ways in which the Romans perceived Greek political practices and terminology, and shows how Roman texts often confused, misinterpreted, and mistranslated Greek political practices and vocabulary when adjusting them to Roman cultural and political realities.
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    Why are we fighting? A view of the “great war” from across the ocean.Timofej Dmitriev - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (1-2):51-67.
    This article examines the dispute concerning the meaning of World War I among leading American intellectuals in the period 1915–1918. Taking center stage here are the views of one of the founding fathers of American pragmatism, John Dewey, on the causes of the “Great War,” its higher meaning and goals which led to America’s entry into the War and also its influence on the social reconstruction of American society and the post-War world order. The final section of the article is (...)
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  29. Rigebis ševseba: kʻalebis, rogorcʻ dedebis, samxedro mosamsaxureebis, pʻeministebisa da modis dizainerebis militarizacʻia.Sintʻia Enlou & Mariam Čančaleišvilis tʻargmani - 2018 - In Tʻamar Cʻxadaże, Etʻuna Noġaideli, Adrienne Rich, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Nadine Taub, Susan Moller Okin, Uma Narayan & Cynthia H. Enloe (eds.), Pʻeministuri sakitʻxavi: debatebi kulturis, kanonisa da sekʻsualobis šesaxeb = Feminist anthology: debates about culture, law, and sexuality. Tʻbilisi: Heinrich Böll Stiftung South Caucasus.
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    The Causality Principle and the Hypothesis of Speeds Exceeding That of Light.Iu B. Molchanov - 1977 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 15 (4):42-61.
    In recent years there has been rather extensive discussion in the physics literature of the possibility of transmission of material effects at speeds exceeding that of light.
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  31. Opisanie kursov filosofii i ritoriki professorov Kievo-Mogili︠a︡nskoĭ akademii.Ia M. Stratii, V. D. Litvinov & V. A. Andrushko - 1982 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka. Edited by V. D. Litvinov & V. A. Andrushko.
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    Complexity of a Microblogging Social Network in the Framework of Modern Nonlinear Science.Andrey Dmitriev, Vasily Kornilov & Svetlana Maltseva - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    Multifractal Early Warning Signals about Sudden Changes in the Stock Exchange States.Andrey Dmitriev, Andrey Lebedev, Vasily Kornilov & Victor Dmitriev - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    Critical phenomena in stock exchange are regularly occurring and difficult to predict events, often leading to disastrous consequences. The presented paper is devoted to the search and research of early warning signals of critical transitions in stock exchange based on the results of a multifractal analysis of a series of transactions in shares of public companies. We have proposed and justified the use of certain features of behavior of multifractal spectrum shape parameters such as signals. As model time series, on (...)
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  34. Shinsetsu Ninomiya Sontoku.Ping-nan Chʼiu - 1963
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    Totalitarianism and the Problems of a Work Ethic.Iu N. Davydov - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 32 (1):67-76.
    My reflections will have more of an interrogative than an affirmative character. And the questions will be posed not only to others but also to myself. At the outset let me broach two questions. First, why is this work ethic needed; and second, who needs it? And at the same time I should like to translate some of the general ideological and cultural problems that have been discussed here into the language of political economy and sociology. This should, it seems (...)
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    The Pathological Nature of the "Postmodern Condition".Iu N. Davydov - 2003 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 42 (3):36-51.
    Postmodernism as a mythologem reflecting the remarkable shift that has taken place in contemporary Western culture as a whole entered the consciousness of our intelligentsia with the usual delay. This is not surprising if one bears in mind the constantly "lagging" character of our consciousness, which also colors in corresponding tones the whole of "Russian civilization," and if one believes that it is condemned to be always "catching up" and making up for lost time. Having arisen in the West as (...)
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    Cappadocian Dynastic Rearrangements on the Eve of the First Mithridatic War.Sviatoslav Dmitriev - 2006 - História 55 (3):285-297.
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    Mikhail Lifshits and the Soviet image of Giambattista Vico.Alexander Dmitriev - 2016 - Studies in East European Thought 68 (4):271-282.
    Mikhail Lifshits’ interpretation of the scholarly work of the Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico is analysed against the background of other Soviet interpretations. M. Lifshits authored the introductory article for the first complete translation of Vico’s Scienza Nuova in 1940. In the second half of the 1930s, interest in Vico’s ‘historical theory of knowledge’ was important for the struggle against so-called ‘vulgar sociology’ in the field of aesthetics and literary criticism. Besides this, Vico’s theory of the ‘historical cycle’ was close to (...)
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    Is Marcuse's "Critical Theory of Society" Critical?Iu A. Zamoshkin & N. V. Motroshilova - 1969 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 8 (1):45-66.
    In the years since World War II, the social critic has become a rather popular figure in the West. The demand for critical theories of society is readily explainable where the contradictions of social development take the form of sharp paradoxes recognized by the broad public. It may be assumed that interest in critical concepts of society will increase. People who recognize themselves as cogs without rights in the system of bureaucratic organization of state-supported monopoly capitalism, who react acutely to (...)
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    Private Life, Private Interest, Private Property.Iu A. Zamoshkin - 1992 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 31 (1):49-86.
    There are words and concepts that almost automatically trigger bitter discussions in our country. And among them are the terms in the title of this article. True, there are occasional attempts to tone down the bitterness of the disputes surrounding them by using the more ideologically "neutral" terms "personal" or "individual." But the dispute is of course not about the words but about their meaning. Let us begin by looking in the dictionary.
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    Claudius’ Grant of Cilicia to Polemo.Sviatoslav Dmitriev - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (1):286-291.
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    An Appraisal of the Past and The Strategy for The Present.Ch'ü Ch'iu-pai - 1971 - Chinese Studies in History 4 (2-3):149-171.
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    On the War Danger.Ch'ü Ch'iu-pai - 1971 - Chinese Studies in History 4 (2-3):140-143.
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    The Past and Future of the Chinese Communist Party.Ch'ü Ch'iu-pai - 1971 - Chinese Studies in History 5 (1):4-72.
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    «It is logic, but not thinking» (N. Bohr).Igor Dmitriev - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 51 (1):39-41.
    The author suggests some comments about the article by L. Shipovalova. The point is made for a failure of a linear approach to the historical description. The author claims that the history of thought cannot be linearized. He argues that attempts at such linearization constitute the classical illusion of the task of a historical narrrative: to tell the story of what allegedly really happened.
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    Tempus Spargendi Lapides.Igor S. Dmitriev - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (4):189-205.
    The article formulates some aspects concerning the nature and structure of scientific revolutions. As a reference example, the scientific (more precisely, natural-philosophical) revolution of the 16th-17th centuries (SR1) was taken, which in turn became part of the intellectual revolution of the Early Modern period. It is shown that SR1 is not at all monodirectional and not predetermined in its milestones process, when the break with the Aristotelian tradition automatically cleared the way to the new science and philosophy. In reality, there (...)
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    The Problem of the Historicity of Values.Iu V. Perov - 1990 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 28 (4):6-15.
    The question of a universal human nature and the universally human significance of values, first and foremost moral values—a question that, it would seem, had long ago been thoroughly scrutinized in the works of Marxist scholars, including V. P. Tugarinov—has suddenly acquired a "second wind" in public consciousness and in the journalism of our days. Well-known writers, journalists, and scholars have come together on a theoretical platform, which is summed up in a statement by D. S. Likhachev: "Morality is a (...)
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    The Earthly City in the Latin West and in the Land of Rus'.Iu Svatko - 2000 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 38 (4):62-71.
    In the earthly city, then, we find two things-its own obvious presence, and its symbolic presentation of the heavenly city. Now citizens are begotten to the earthly city by nature vitiated by sin, but to the Heavenly City by grace freeing nature from sin.
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    Neoliberalism and "the New Conservatism" in the Usa.Iu A. Zamoshkin & A. Iu Mel'vil' - 1977 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 16 (2):3-24.
    A new term, "the new conservatism," has recently appeared in the American sociopolitical lexicon. The meaning given it does not resolve merely to a description of the current conservative trends in the United States , which until recently were termed neoconservative in the critical literature. A number of American writers have begun to employ the term "new conservatism" in a narrower sense: to denote the evolution of the sociopolitical views of those ideologists of capitalist reformism who were, until recently, known (...)
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    Pʻilosopʻia.Ia Beriże - 2007 - Tʻbilisi: Gamomcʻemloba "Universali". Edited by Nato Gogiašvili.
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